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E-ISG Asset Intelligence

System Requirements for Transit Asset Management Plan

Federal Transit Administration issued a Final Rule, 49 CFR Parts 625 and 630, effective on Oct. 1, 2016. This rule establishes minimum Federal requirements for transit asset management (TAM). TAM plans must include an asset inventory, condition assessments of inventoried assets, and a prioritized list of investments to improve the state of good repair of their capital assets.

However, to support Transit Asset Management, currently no exiting commercial off the shelf (COTS) system will satisfy all the requirements, a conclusion supported by FTA’s extensive studies as well.

This white paper has synthesized the basic requirements from 49 CFR Parts 625 and 630, into 6 components. It has outlined the key criteria for transit agencies to select a flexible and configurable system to meet the requirements. Fill out the form below and you can download our latest white paper “How to Meet the Requirements from 49 CFR Parts 625 and 630– Transit Asset Management Plan”

